Meet the Crew


Hello and welcome! We are a group of spiritually ambitious friends, who know the value of community. We invite you to joinour conversations about mindfulness, energy work, intuition, self-care, and much, much more! The woo-curious, the spiritually enlightened, and everyone in between are welcome. It’s a great big beautiful woo-verse out there and we’re talking about all of it! 

In our Pilot episode of the Ohm-G podcast, we go into great detail about the formation of our “Woo Crew” and in later episodes you can see how the crew has morphed and changed as we’ve all grown as well.  As the world was beginning to lock down due to the global pandemic, we were ascending – opening our hearts, minds, and chakras – as well as our group texts, zoom calls, and socially distanced outdoor gatherings around bonfires in backyards. We journeyed within and found that with our varied interests and abilities, such as Reiki, massage therapy, Intuition, Channeling, Crystals, Herbalism, Tarot Reading, Astrology, Writing, Comedy, and of course – Prosecco, we had created a support group for our spiritual growth! We really were bringing out the best in one another and helping us to individually raise our vibrations.

We’re all so excited to share this creative project with you and begin to form a community! Whether you’re a Woo-Pro, a Witch or Warlock two decades into your spiritual journey, or simply Woo-curious, pull up a chair, plug in your headphones, pour a glass of your favorite beverage, and raise a cheer with us as we discuss all things “woo-woo.” Not always an easy subject to talk with others about, which makes us all the more honored to have you join us!

Brenda Book


Show Host

Hello, I am Brenda, just another one of your Ohm-g Podcast hosts. I grew up sensing and seeing things that cannot be explained. But it wasn’t until 2005 that I asked myself “Why am I here, what is my purpose in life?” Thus began my journey of overcoming my fear of “seeing” again. I started with a meditation class. I began to explore different energy healing techniques and was led to Reiki where I completed my Reiki Master training over the course of a couple of years. When I was living in Sweden, I attended a meditation circle. While at a meditation one evening the women were discussing Reconnective Healing. As soon as I heard it I felt a deep pull to go to the training and completed this training in Norway in 2012. Over time, my energy work has evolved into something that is neither one thing or another. It is a culmination of all of the things that I have learned over the years as well as using intuition and guidance. I look forward to being a part of your journey and watching you all evolve as we all do in the classroom of life.


Show Host

Hello, I’m Camille from the Ohm-g Podcast crew! I have known from a very early age that I was different from the mainstream and their belief system – especially when it came to religion. My personal journey began as a child when my interest in Astrology was ignited. As I learned more, I began to notice patterns – within my family, within my circle of friends, and society at large. I was always the “go to” for my friends when it came to advice, having devoured numerous books on psychology, human behavior, and motivation, and of course, astrology. I worked in a large city for a large corporation for 20 years and enjoyed it very much. When I reached my early 40’s I felt a huge shift in my life and went through some profound personal losses. I needed a change, and I found myself moving to the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina, totally on a whim! New pathways opened, and I found myself training in Mediumship, Reiki I & II, and Tarot/Oracle cards. The greatest gift of all was finding my Tribe – aka my fellow Ohm-g Podcasters. They trickled into my life, one by one, and changed it forever with their humor, love, and insight. Thank you for joining us – all are welcome and blessed be.


Show Host

I’m Chandra, one of your Ohm-g Podcast hosts and my awakening began in 2018 after the death of a loved one. That loved one was my soul-animal….he was a MaineCoon named Grayson and no creature on this earth has ever loved me more.  When he passed, I started looking for signs that he was still with me, but what I got instead were signs that I needed to connect and open my intuition . I firmly believe his passing was his way of giving me permission to do this for myself.  And so that is exactly what I did.  I finished Reiki Master training and took a connection to intuition and Spirit Guides mentorship program and have never looked back. I left a 20+ year corporate career to start a heart-centered business (MoonValley Intuitive) including this podcast. A major part of that journey has been connecting with the 6 amazing people you will get to know episode by episode. They are my soul family and we can’t wait for you to join us and help build a supportive community of like-minded people finding joy in their awakening. Taking their spirituality seriously…, but not TOO seriously.   Come with us on this prosecco fueling journey to find the joy in the pursuit of our enlightenment.

Lynn booking


Show Host

Hi there! Lynn here… the newest addition to the Woo Crew of Ohm-g Podcast. I am honored and excited to be here.
Growing up I knew I was different. I never felt like I fit in. I saw my first Spirit when I was between 8-10 years old, but was told it wasn’t real. Under criticism and strict religious teachings, I pushed away any spiritual gifts as I was urged down a path that led me away from my authentic self.
In 2003 I decided that I was tired of being defined by someone else’s beliefs. So with determination, and a chart full of Aries, I left the life and ways I’d been taught and started forging a new path for myself. The excitement of finding my true and authentic self outweighed the fear.
Over the past 20 years I have peeled away the layers of conditioning and been healing, learning, and growing. It is a continual journey. It all started with one rose quartz crystal and the rest, as they say, is history. I learned to read tarot and oracle cards. I started Reiki training and reached the level of Master-Teacher. I’ve learned to read the Akashic Records and have studied a myriad of other woo-tastic subjects.
My hope is to share what I’ve learned with you, the listeners of this amazing podcast, and to help facilitate a community where our collective growth is inevitable.
Much Love!

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