Episode 24: WooWoo Wisdom 3.25.2022

Ohm-g Podcast members, Brenda and Chandra, do oracle card readings for friends and fans. Today everyone seemed to have a similar feeling that even though their intuition was revealing messages for them, they still felt as if there was an underlying meaning they just couldn’t grasp. So Brenda and Chandra asked their Guides for insight. Asking about a recently started job, Maria was concerned about an unsettled feeling and wondered what Spirit could add additional perspective to her messages. They also had a question from their friend Julia about encouragement from Spirit, as she wraps up her latest musical project – new album yay! Brenda and Chandra also do a surprise year-ahead reading for a special friend with a birthday next week.

For info on the card decks we use check out https://ohm-gpodcast.com/products/

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