
Episode 89: Illuminating Shadows – Brenda’s Choice

Yes you heard us correctly! We ARE doing another episode on our shadows. Recently all 4 members of this podcast embarked on an intensive program aimed at identifying your shadows and our healing journey together and we felt like it was time to give you all an update. Through the years there have been several…

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Episode 88: Trigger Warning – Cam’s Choice

Camille brought up a good point for this episode with her topic of choice. She pondered the use of “trigger warnings”.  We live in a culture where we are all becoming more aware of our trauma’s. Therefore we are also aware of the people and the subjects that can poke at potential trauma responses. But…

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Episode 73: An Inside Job – Our Truth About Shadow Work

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about “doing the work”? Does it feel like a lone journey and something left for you to figure out on your own. Or are our spiritual community and leaders doing a good job helping those beginning their awakening journey understand exactly what…

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Episode 62: Rewriting Your Truth

Ok…now that we’ve identified areas where we may be storing old emotions or traumatic events, how do we go about doing the work to heal them? While no one in this Crew claims to be an expert and we are all still working through our stuff (right, wrong, or indifferent), we still share with you…

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44: Work It! 💼💻📂

Hello Beautiful Souls.  Aaron here, Lately I have been experiencing mirroring in the world that has been awful. People have been rude, disrespectful, and downright hateful and vindictive to me. I know, what is wrong with them? It’s ME for crying out loud! I digress.. After dealing with the discomfort of what they are doing/saying…

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