Episode 71: WooWoo Wisdom 8.4.2023

Ohm-g Podcast members, Brenda and Chandra, do oracle card readings for friends and fans of the podcast. Today we had lots of questions revolving around what Spirit would like us to know about certain situations. It seems like this weird Supermoon, Lions Gate, Mercury Rx energy has everyone a little off kilter. Spirit was clear in letting us know that we are coming to a completion phase. The energy of the number 9(nine) was in almost every reading. Nine is the number of completion, When one door closes a new one opens so its a good time to get those dreams and desires out of our heads and into reality.

For info on the card decks we use check out https://ohm-gpodcast.com/products/

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5:40 Mary
13:00 Lisa
16:15 Terri
21:32 Lynn
26:11 Michelle/Nathan
30:51 Stephanie
39:16 Michelle L.
48:08 Beachboggle